Oh dang, I almost DIYed a month-long holiday called "No-bloggin' November". But it looks like I was able to get my shit together just in time. A lot/a little has happened. Depends how you look at it. In summary, every single day is an adventure - whether that adventure be really awesome, or really nah-some. On certain days when things are aligned just right, I have simul excellent/horrible adventures (your Turkcab for the day: "MACERA!"). This paragraph needs more slashes yes/no? A couple things:
I. Dang, Devin. So, for a little bit now I've been attempting to figure out the best way to visit my friend Devin during Kurban Bayramı (note: this freakend). He is currently studying abroad in Athens. Originally, obviously, I was going to purchase a plane ticket, and I watched as every single day the prices fluctuated in a major way. Simul with that, I had just set up a bank account here and was waiting for my debit card, etc. To cut a long story short, the prices kept rising and I continued to not have my new card so, no plane ticket. After considering my other options of taking the train, the bus (cue flashbacks of my Bulgaria to Hungary bus trip), or walking, I headed down (down? over!) to the train station on the European side Sunday after work. Note: in the photo above, I had just cruised over on that ship on the left. Which is probably (nah, def) one of my favorite activities in the world.
I found the international ticket office easily enough, and was surprised and delighted at the adorable old man working the desk. I told him that I wanted to buy a ticket to Greece for Wednesday night, to which he informed me that there is currently a problem with the Wednesday train but that it should be resolved and that I could simply call on Wednesday and be placed on the reservation list, NO PROBLEM, then come in Wednesday night and giddy on up. He then writes down the "direct" phone number for me. I was a tad skeptical, which I think he could tell. "No, don't worry, we'll wait for you," he says. Oh.
Today, Tuesday, I reflected back on the helpful gentleman and decided it was probably worth double checking on everything. I decided, given my aaaaight Turkish skills, that I would have one of the super nice teachers at my school help me. So, she went ahead and called the "direct" number I was given on Sunday only to be met with recording after recording after recording. I found the teacher that helped me in an office I had never been in before, and was introduced to two new teachers in the process. By the time she finally got through to someone, the other two teachers were also helping by writing down numbers, offering suggestions, etc. The train station informed her that the broken Wednesday train was still broken, and that the Thursday train was full. FML.
So, what then? The bus? She finally got through to one of the two bus companies that serves Athens and we learned that the next bus leaves Friday morning and gets in Saturday morning - like, REALLY morning, like 4:30 in the morning kind of morning. Nah uh. "Well, I guess you're here for the holiday," one of the teachers says to me. Then we get to talking as I stumble along in Turkish, and she asks me what train station the train leaves from. She assumed Haydarpaşa (azn side). I informed her that no, in fact it only leaves from Sirkeci, in Europa Europa. "Really? I have an uncle that is in charge there," she tells me, and before we know it we're off. She calls her uncle, who gives her another number, and another then another, and she's making calls and receiving calls. As it turns out, they reserve a cabin for people high up at the train station, and before I knew it I got a seat on the "full" Thursday train. REALLY. Now, I have to go tomorrow and buy my ticket which is under some dude I have never met in my life's name, who is a big shot at the train station.
ABRIDGED VERSION: Today three teachers total were helping me try to get to Greece, two of whom I had never met before. One of those two ends up having an uncle that works at the train station and hooks me up with a ticket on an otherwise full train. Mind: blown. Knowing people here is really actually crucial/helpful, something which becomes extremely apparent on days like today.
So, if everything goes according to plan, I will be kickin' it with D. Mc in no time! Haven't seen his face since August, and this time our faces are about to be hell of Greek together for a couple of days. The bro to the left to the left:

II. Moira Memories. I am super excited about my brief holler @ Devin/Athens, and on top of that I will be reunited with lil Chowrita Supreme only a few days after I return! I may not have seen Devin since August (it's been three months already? Seems like 1,000 years more than that) but I haven't seen Moira since last August, like August 2008. Which is insane. So, essentially, after the last few months of rather self-imposed solitary confinement (some exceptions of course) I am about to take some sweet friends to the dome. Moira will be in my arms for almost a week !!! Of course, I will have to work a bunch of those days, but we will have the nights. OH, we will have the nights.
I had a hard time choosing the sweetest picture of just the two of us (we can make it if we try) so I selected perhaps one of the most hilarious. Do you remember this gem? Of course you do:

Thanks, Glenn P.
III. Today was Teachers' Day which involved a lot of sweets, flowers, and amazing notes from students. One student wrote me a long card which told me that I was as beautiful like her mom. What. The school gave me a really nice white scarf. Perhaps they are trying to introduce something non-black into my wardrobe, since apparently according to one of my favorite second graders that's all I wear. Direct quote: "Is your favorite color black? Every time I see you you're wearing black." Little kids...real talk.
IV. More random things. Before my birthday, I was pretty not looking forward to it, to be honest. But, it ended up just perfect. I ate two OUTRAGEOUSLY dank cakes, received lots of posi hollers, got a new BLACK shirt (take that, second grader) from the aforementioned super nice teacher, epic video chattin' with the most wild haired boy in all the world, and topped it all off with a huge beer and double rakı, courtesy of DRL.
I've got more, like always, but I'm forgetting what, like always. Hopefully I'll update this business sooner rather than later, but no promises. I think I'll end with this fantastic observation from a teacher at my school a couple of days ago: "Have you ever been to Long Island? It's really long. Too long!" Too true.
A. Taken from upstairs at the "brewery" Dan and I hollered at a few weeks back, where I was lucky enough to give the award for Worst Poured Beer In History. Aside from that, just hustlin' hustlin' in Taksim.
B. Galata Tower, etc.
Kisses/misses, obvi,

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