Am I drunk right now? Did that last paragraph even make sense? I don't even know. Whatever, it was funny at time time (i.e. when my dad and I were talking and I realized that I was a Hugh Idiot).
Some boring shit talking re: work: I got a text message telling me to let them know the hours I worked for the last bit of September. I promptly emailed the number of classes I taught, along with the one B.S. meeting I had to go to. I received an email back immediately telling me, "As it says in your contract, you do not get paid for meeting hours." I replied back instantly, "Okay on my contract it also says I will get paid on the last day of the month, is that true?" I sent it off with a chuckle knowing I would get no response. And then...No response. Five hours later still no response. Why no response, you wonder? Well, because I won't be getting paid on the last day of the month but some unknown date later. That is to say, they (the MAN, if I may be so bold) picks and chooses what part of the contract they want to acknowledge. Cool. For some reason I find the email interaction today mildly hilar on the hilarscale. I guess I'm just getting my laughs where I can nowadays, yaheard?
This coming week I only work Monday, Tuesday, and a half day Wednesday. But my half day Wednesday is actually only one 40 minute class. Originally only the half day Wednesday and Thursday were a holiday, but then the governor of Istanbul announced that all schools would be closed Friday, too because of the swine flu. Article here.
I have a bunch of random shit to say - what else is new? - but I think I'll just leave you with some flicks instead and bother each and every one of you individually with my random stories. Yesterday's adventure with my aunt, etc. was really seriously awesome, and my hooversteins were all sorts of tired by the end of it. We went to the Spice Bazaar, the Grand Bazaar, got lost in some wild back streets that reminded me way more of eastern Turkey than Istanbul, and sapped brewskies in Sultanahmet. Unfort it was not the clearest day when we headed over on the ferry in the morning so the first flick below isn't as crisp as it is some days. Either way, it's tough stuff to capture. I would just highly recommend you come over and do it up right. Dare I say: click to enlarge?!
1. Asia to Europe. The. ultimate.
2. Shit I need to trim my bangs and de-dread ASAP.
3. "Maşallah"! Could mean a milly things, but perhaps: magnificent! wonderful!
4. Turk ponchos...needless to say, I need that in my life. Collect 'em all yes/no?
5. Lil side alleys with hidden treasures absolutely everywhere.
I am resubmitting my membership application to the book a week club, as I have almost finished the book I started a couple days ago. Oh daaaang and tomorrow I'm going to peep another potential living spot. Wish me luck.
Smoochily yours,

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