Is this real life? When I got "home" from work today I was just about to do some workin' out when my aunt walks in with a beer. Uh, YEAH!!!, that's a way better idea am I right? So I get to sappin', we hang out on the balcony, had the normal i.e. DELICIOUS fish for dinner, etc. Afterward, I'm sitting in my "room" reading when my uncle walks in with this pudding thing...oh, my, word. Can't move. Why was I thinking about moving out on my own again? Oh yeah, because I'm stubborn.
I. Better late than never, or whatever. So, I "should have" updated on Tuesday while this was still hell of fresh in my mind but I think the abstract will still work. [Then perhaps I could have updated Wednesday but was too busy video chatting with my mom for her birthday - HAPPY BIRTHDAY, AGAIN!/having real talk with Moira; & last night? There was company over/I was a zombie.] Remember how I was/have been constantly complaining about not having any books to read? Ohhhh well I'm going to get a book alright.
Tuesday morning I woke up feeling way wah wah due to awesome/awesomely bad dreams. With a bonus of not knowing when I was sleeping or awake, you know what I'm talking about? So. I am tired and I go about my day and in the afternoon I'm kicking it in the teacher's lounge, reading the newspaper and listening to music. One of the super nice teachers says to me, "Oh, did you know that there is a place to rest downstairs?" and, y'all know me, I LOVE DA NAP, so I brighten up and am like, "NO! TELL ME MORE!" And then...are you sitting down? (DUH!) She says, "Oh, yes, it's also where we pray, you know how we pray 5 times a day?" (DUH!) aaand to cut a long story short not just her but TWO OTHER TEACHERS surrounded me and inquired about my religion and informed me that "I had to choose" (what?) and that the best religion of all is Islam and that they were going to purchase a Koran in English for me. Oh.
Listen. I went to Catholic school for four years of my life and was signed out of almost all religious activities so that I could figure out religion on my own. From ages nothing to, like, 10th grade I was invited to youth groups/church/a milly other things. LISTEN. I don't like having anything pushed on me and it in fact pushes me further away. (DUH!) I've read a lot of the Bible, and a lil of the Koran, and no doubt religion is fascinating but YOU GUYS no no no it was just all wrong. Then they invited me to go to the prayer room with them right that second. In short: naps/my love of naps is daaaangerous.
Today one of the teachers walked up to me in the hallway and was like, "WE HAVE A PRESENT FOR YOU! WE ALL PITCHED IN! IT IS IN OUR ROOM!" so, cool, now I have a book to read. FML.
II. THURSDAY. Soooo British Bro. I don't know if I've necessarily talked shit about him, but I initially wasn't really hyping him either. Then, the end of last week/beginning of this week I was beginning to...not mind him as much? Get used to him? I don't know. But bro is back to square one, or like square negative a milly. Thursday morning we split up our class and each taught our respective halves as usual. My half went fine, and we met up after. His class did not go well, and he was pissed and venting and going off about this and that for awhile about how he wanted to re-do everything and blah blah blah zzzzzzzz BORING. In short, wanting to change shit that can not in all seriousness be changed the way he wants. So, after he is done (or so I thought) going off I asked him a question regarding getting paid at work - a question he had told me to text him the night before, which I did, and he hadn't responded. And...
He says: "You just go off on tangents, it's really frustrating," and then continues on saying that we should get what I want to talk about out of the way so he can continue sucking a d and I'm like, "..." and I reply that I don't know what he wants me to say or do/to back the f down. REALLY. REALLY? REALLY! Then a second later, when I am str8 h8ing him, he says to me: "You really need to stop going out at night. Save it for the weekend." First of all, I had not even gone out the night before but have been sleeping so poorly (that morning, I woke up with a start over an hour early thinking that I had turned my alarm off and couldn't get back to sleep/dreams dreams forever dreaming!). Additionally, you might be more than twice my age, asshole, but you're not my dad. Again, people telling me what I should do...are we noticing a theme here? Apparently I am still an angst-ridden 15 year old. I do not apprec people taking out their frustrations on me and am hyper-aware of people doing it because when I'm in a bad place I knooow that I do it myself. But it's not acceptable people! No no no do not want!
III. "I don't know if you read it in my blog..." I can't believe I said that. And I can't believe I'm repeating it right now. On Tuesday night Dan and I hung out and I ate a sandwich with french fries in it (the last time that happened: Francey pants! Remember that shit, Caitlin?). Brews (THANK YOU!) & "real talk" - been getting hell of real lately with him/Caitlin/Moira/etc. and it's good to know I'm not alone in all the random shit going through my head. I mean it. Seri!
There was an insane wind tunnel/rain storm and I ended the night by skidding for days and almost eating shit. But I caught myself at the last minute - surf's up shaka gnar bro! Direct quote Dan: "That was a total walking to class in Wisconsin move." I know right?
Moments after departing from him some random asked me another question re: directions (in Turkish). Am I looking more Turkish by the day? Do I look like I know what I'm doing? Apparently, because the amount of questions directed at me is increasing exponentially (while my ability to answer is remaining consistent - whoops my b).
IV. RANDOM FLICKS! Click to get really real.
This flick is really old (read: 1.5ish? months) but BEST DISPOSABLE CAMERA EVER? Perfect for your wedding!!!!!!! SPECIAL MEMORIES. I'm still excited about this even though it's all done up R.I.P.
A shotty picture of the amazing area I wrote about in my last post which is where people jog/bike/relax/apparently pray like 15 feet away from me while I'm kickin' it. Last weekend I just started walking with no set route/destination in mind and ended up here! The weather was perfect and on the way back I saw a burned out car. Cool.
This is how I ended my tots awk day (Tuesday)...I was waiting to get on the bus and this old man who was the same height as me was asking the bus driver something without actually getting on and the bus driver closed the doors on me and started pulling away because he didn't see me behind old bro. Def broke my skin. Def got a simple "pardon" from the bus driver. Oh no big deal.
FRIDAY FISH, remember?
Yeah I am def starting a collection of drawings/notes from students. It's these sort of things that make any assholery/bureaucratic B.S. seem less crucial.
V. Hey, thanks for reading through all my bullshit. This week was...something else. I miss you.
My bangs are taking over my face,

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