Saturday, January 23, 2010

Dans Ettiler, v.b.

Sometimes you (read: I) like something and just really can't explain the logic behind it. For instance, this video. Why can't I stop watching it? Why do I want to listen to the song all day every day?:

Some quick notes:
1. Thank you Dan for the miracle of youtube.
2. It is snowing here, right now, today.
3. Winter break has begun.
4. Housewarming party at my new house tonight.
5. Real post really soon (really though?).


P.S. I am posting this from the future (mid-May). I found this gem of a post in my draft archives and this video still is relevant/awesome for my life. However, the amount of other things that have changed is out of hand. Thus, expect an update soon (inşallah)...

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