Today was weird. I woke up and walked out to the bus stop to wait for the teacher's service vehicle. I waited for half an hour before deciding I needed to call another teacher to find out what was going on. I almost went to school (via bus or dolmuş) without calling...I am so glad that I decided to call though because today was a school holiday in Istanbul that NO ONE TOLD ME ABOUT. October 6th, 1923 is when Turkish troops first entered the city after the last of the Allied troops had left on September 23rd. Please note: I have asked for an academic calendar like three times from the school, and there is not one online. Raaaaaaage.
I fell asleep again about two hours after I had first woken up. When I finally dragged myself out of bed three hours later, I found some crazy live protest footage on TV. It looked like the end of the world, over and over again. Multiple links below.
LINKS: [1] [2] [3]
This post sucks but [ever since finding that Sangeeta post on my old blog] maybe a year from now I'll be like, "Hey what was I doing on October 6th?" and I'll stumble upon this post and remember, "Oh yeah, I was getting screwed over by that school I worked at and watching insane protest footage on the television and sleeping a lot. That day was sure strange."

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