Shit talking: British bro smokes like a chimney, which is whatever, but he's the sort of smoker that has that really stale cigarette smell. I know that you know what I'm talking about. On top of that, B.O. like woooooah. This is a huge problem for me because my nose KNOWS. I become more deaf and blind by the day, but my sense of smell is still going strong. And this dude does not smell fresh.
Some of the classes I've taught have been delightful, while others have been absolute hell holes. Here's the thing: the younger classes (1st and 2nd grade) know very, very little English and I was told to 1. Never speak Turkish and 2. Not make it apparent that I know any Turkish. OH, OKAY. Which means when I set rules, etc. I have to do so in English, and I can't reprimand in Turkish, only English English English. It's like a 40 minute immersion for them, in theory. All of the kids I teach are also being taught English in Turkish by Turkish teachers, so I am there to show off my glorious "native accent". I'll save the rest of my shit talking for next week, so I can see what actually does/does not get straightened out.
Wait ahfight I got a little somethin else: I'm just wondering why I am not allowed to wear jeans (which are nice, by the by) whereas other teachers at the school are allowed to wear ankle length distressed jean skirts? I almost inserted a choice adjective before "ankle length" but I'm sure you can imagine what I'm thinking/feeling. Barf. Anyways.
II. Today I did something out of this world...I stood up for myself. So, one of the people that placed me at this school visited to have me sign the contract. She met with British bro and I and we chatted, etc. As I took a re-gander at the contract, I noticed that my salary was still at the original figure, whereas when I got hired I was offered more per month because of my experience, certification, and citizenship(s). I was going to not say anything, figuring that it was just an error, but I decided better safe than sorry. I asked to speak to the woman privately, and she said, "No, you're only getting paid (the original figure). Everyone gets that." I was like, "Uh, no, I was promised over email and twice over the phone," and she disagreed and I kept insisting and she finally gave in and said, "Uh, yeah, you're right...but don't tell British bro." I was like: I. HATE. YOU/thanks for trying to go back on your word. I am going to be extra careful about counting hours on my paycheck from now on.
III. So, my aunt (originally from Istanbul, now lives in California) had to come back to Turkey under unfortunate circumstances. Aside from that, I am very excited to see her because I realized that I have not seen her in over a year. I talked to her on the phone and she said that she brought me ENGLISH BOOKS!!! She said that as she was rushing out the door (from my understanding she packed/bought her ticket for Turkey/etc. all in the same day) she said to herself: C. loves books, I've got to bring some for her! OMG. Yesssss thanks for making my week.
IV. The aunt that I'm staying with is also awesome. She brought out a glass this evening and asked me if I wanted some whiskey after work. Uh, no need to ask. She poured me a stiff as ffff whiskey & coke and told me, "kids all day, whiskey all night. I could just sit here and listen to music and drink this for awhile." Are we bffs?
Well you know I am down with whiskey, but Moira's recent post (click here for awesome) had me missing super great beer. Aside from "great" beer, I'm also missing beloved shitty beer, i.e. an unlimited (jk there's always a limit, unfort) amount of canned PBRs. Efes is aaaaight, but not what's up 24/7. I remember a couple of times going to Husnu's in Madison and ordering Efes because it was something I didn't have every day. And now I'm just wishing I'd gone to Cork & Bottle instead and gotten either: 1. two 40s of PBR or 2. one of the incredible IPAs, etc. etc. etc. offered there. Okay, I'll take 1 & 2. I am starting to remember why I sapped so many liquor bevs when I was living in Ankara.
My uncle manages several theaters here in Istanbul and today is one of the opening nights. He invited me to go with him and my aunt, apparently Romeo & Juliet is playing (dank!). It's a "modern" comic version, so uhhhh we'll see what happens with that. I hesitated and then remembered my promise to always say yes to invitations! Which means: BYE I AM GOING TO SEE ~A PLAY~ TONIGHT EVERYONE.
Get in there,

You go girl!! Way to stand up for yourself!